Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Death and Deterioration, part two

These are notes on the second side of the tape Death and Deterioration:

Abraham continues to remind us that "There is only eternal life experience. Think in terms of this life experience as being part of your eternal life experience. Try to integrate yourself into the full cycle of things so you don't focus on 'ending' as you leave your body."

"You have been convinced you are here to prove yourself worthy of something so you are afraid to leave. You fear that you are not accomplished at what you are supposed to do before completion. There is no completion."

"Do that which feels good unto you."

Remind yourself that "I am the Creator of my experience."

"Everything you are living you have attracted. Since you are an individual, no one else's experience has to be yours."

"By focusing on the positive aspects, you will attract them."

"Within each of you exists the probability of health or decline - it all exists. You can participate in whatever part of it you choose."

"You believe in contagiousness and heredity - you put yourself in position to have an experience you do not want." 

"Negative emotion means holding beliefs that are not in alignment with your wanting."

"If you say 'I am healthy' but your emotions tell you this is not your belief, you need to change something. You want to de-sensitize the negative side of these issues."

"Make statements of what you want. 'I am wanting to be old and well and youthful and vibrant.' Then you will attract the evidence of this. Then you will be surrounded by others who are as you are wanting."

"If you are always wanting to feel good, you will gravitate toward experiences that make you feel good."

"Are you looking at the positive or negative aspects of your experience? You can always look at what you want or what you do not want."

"You have many options for choosing the positive or negative aspects - you tend to follow the patterns you are used to."

"You will be drawn to the things you are really wanting to do."

"You have thousands of opportunities to make these choices - you follow the habit of negativity."

Abraham discussed how it is hard for us to be positive around negative people. "Most of you are so defensive that when someone comes to you feeling negative emotion you are defensive. If you can realize that you are not the target of their negative emotion, if you are standing in the clear place of feeling good, you can help them feel better instead of being negative too."

"Everything that you are thinking and all your beliefs have originated in this physical experience. When you are in time of transition, you are still thinking and believing in terms of the physical. The beliefs that you hold dictate your experience (of dying). You cannot experience outside the boundaries of your belief."

"You try to orchestrate the universe when you can't. Instead, align with the laws of the universe."

"Most of you die from a position of lack. You are focused on what you do not want. Make a new decision. If your body gets sick enough, old enough or tired, make a new decision - 'I have had all that I want and I'm going to leave it.'"

Abraham concluded the session by saying "Death does not exist. Give your attention to the full experience of life. 'The only thing that matters is that I feel good.' You will have a glorious experience in your now, and you will have a glorious transition."

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