
This is the key technique in the Science of Deliberate Creation. Sit quietly where you will be undisturbed for 10 minutes. Think of something that makes you feel good -- it could be your cat, a loved one, a favorite vacation spot, a beautiful sunset. The key is to get yourself feeling good. Now say what it is that you are wanting to create. Some examples are: I am wanting to feel good with my family this evening. I am wanting a new sports car. I am wanting to be vibrantly healthy and happy. Make sure you are stating something positive -- "I am wanting health" rather than "I am wanting less illness."
Now imagine how you will feel when you have what it is that you are wanting. Hold this good feeling for as long as you can, even up to 10 minutes.
Now it is done. The Universe has heard you, and that experience you are wanting is on the way. You can do this workshop again each day if you like, or you can let it go, knowing that what you are wanting is coming to you.

Bedtime Exercise:
When you put your head on your pillow tonight, say "All negative attraction is now stopping and tomorrow I will only think of positive attracting." After a few nights of doing this you will notice you're on the right track.

Feeling Good:
Say "I want to feel good" a few times and the Universe will give you something to feel good about. Don't wait until you feel really bad, because it takes time to slow down the momentum.

Choose Your Thinking:
When you are feeling negative emotion, the thought you are thinking is not in harmony with your greater wanting. If you are wanting to be worthy and of value, then the negative feeling you get when you look at yourself in the mirror shows that the thoughts you have when you look at yourself are not in alignment with your wanting to be worthy and of value. You always feel bad when you are critical of yourself or others. This is a form of lack. You feel good when you are looking for reasons to feel good about yourself and others. Be pickier about what you think about.