Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Career, part one

On this tape, Abraham reminds us of our ability to create our own experience. She also warns us about the perils of manifesting from lack.

“You are multi-faceted beings, and your dominant intent of being here is to gather life experience.”

“Decide that your dominant intent / chosen career is to live happily ever after. Gravitate toward those activities that are in harmony with your inner being - freedom, joy, happiness. Don’t choose one tiny box and try to get your whole experience from it.”

“When you allow someone to dictate how you should behave, you are in a place of negative attraction, and you will get defensive and feel the need to justify yourself.”

She said most people do not feel fulfilled in their beingness. “They are looking outside of themselves for acknowledgement from others to feel success . This is out of harmony with the laws of the universe. When you take action from the perspective of lack, it adds more to the lack.”

Abraham explained that the main thing that gets in our way of being great creators is our belief that we are unworthy. “Your challenge with your career is your belief that you must justify your existence.”

She suggests we release that superficial belief and go deeper. “You have a a core belief that knows that coming into physical experience is learning more than you knew before. Every being has an understanding that they are here in physical body to learn / experience more.”

“As physical creatures, so much of what you do is to soothe something that feels wrong. You act to avoid negative consequences. These actions will not lead to something that will be fulfilling. Most allow themselves (because of pressures of society) to be hammered into a pigeonhole. So they come into a place of lack and cannot feel freedom, joy and growth. They are always trying to soothe something that is wrong, to find the piece that is missing.”

“You cannot have a happy ending to a journey that has not been happy along the way.”

She said we are all here for freedom (the basis of life experience), joy (the object of life experience) and growth (the only possible result from living in freedom with the object of joy).

Our troubles come because we have been convinced we are not worthy. “From that place of lack you try to prove you are worthy. You have nothing to prove to anyone. Your existence is justification enough” for you to exist.

“Be in your freedom. Have as your goal to feel joy, and growth will naturally be the process.”

“Your career is a creation - the subject of your creation is your joyful life experience.”

“You are here to gather around you enough stuff, being and doing that you feel good. Then you ooze that good feeling to all that is. If you keep trying to prove yourself worthy, you offer pain and suffering and lack to the world.”

“There is much doing, and much you can offer, but from a place of lack you will never add it.”

“What you radiate out is consistent with what you attract. If you ooze lack, you will attract it.”

“As you are thinking, you are vibrating. As you vibrate, you are attracting.”

“You think your action is responsible for your getting. We tell you that your acting is responsible for a miniscule amount of what you receive.”

“You focus on illness, then you get ill, then you take action to get rid of illness. We say, you are going about it the hard way.”

“The process of attracting what you are wanting starts from inside. Say ‘I want to feel good, feel my value and my purpose. I want to feel my freedom, growth and joy.’”

“Concentrate on looking for those sorts of feelings for a while, then your life plan will begin to unfold in a good way.”

“Your work here is to seek joy. You are so free that every thought you think will attract to you. If you think thoughts that are in harmony with you, you will feel good.”

“You have been convinced you must justify your life experience. Stop right now where ever you are - working or not - and make a decision to look for the positive aspects of where you are standing right now. You will start attracting to you the balance and freedom you want. Say ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and I say I look for reasons to feel good, and I want to feel good. Nothing is more important to me than that I feel good.’”

“You will evoke more people who also want to feel good, and you will evoke from others reasons to feel good. There is more in harmony with your wanting within others than you realize.”

“Look at your career as the expenditure of life experience in return for the joy of life experience. If you decide you want to feel good, you will find yourself guiding yourself to different behaviors of thought and action.”

“The more specific you are about what you are wanting, the more powerful you are. The law of attraction is shining upon your perspective of what is. So if you’re in lack, you perpetuate it.”

“No matter how justified you are in your negative emotion, you are still messing up your future. “

“Think about what you want. The more specific you are about what you are wanting, the more powerful you are.”

“Then decide in your now to look for reasons to feel good.This opens door for what you want to flow in.”

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