Wednesday, May 26, 2010


At a recent meeting, we discussed pivoting, a technique Abraham explains on an earlier tape, and that she referred to during the death tape: "A glorious life experience is for people who are good at pivoting."

In brief, pivoting means turning your mind away from the negative towards the positive. An example is awakening in the morning: instead of saying, oh I wish I had another hour in bed, pivot your mind to thinking what a beautiful day is ahead of you, or how lovely the birds sound, or how happy you are to be alive. You get the idea. Whatever you are doing, think something positive about it.

Our conversation led into whether it is possible to feel positive while cleaning the house. We agreed that sitting in a messy dirty house does not feel good, and we want to feel good. So the question is how can I feel good while cleaning the house. (The answer might be to hire someone to do it.) Possibilities include the positive aspects of how good it feels to be nurturing your home and taking care of it. Or how nice the room looks as you put away papers. If it's dusting, appreciate the objects you are dusting. Choose to enjoy the experience. (If it's paying someone else to do it, remember to enjoy writing the check.) In this spring cleaning season, feeling positive while cleaning the house sounds like a good spiritual practice!

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