This blog is about the Science of Deliberate Creation as found in the teachings of Abraham-Hicks.
I was first introduced to the Science of Deliberate Creation and the Abraham-Hicks material in 2001 when a local group needed a space to meet. I offered my office, joined the group, and found that the teachings made a lot of sense. The group met for a couple of years and had great discussions on the Science of Deliberate Creation.
Early in 2009 I realized it was once again time to make the Abraham teachings available to my community. With the economy crashing and a feeling of gloom in the air, I felt we all needed to remember the empowering teachings of the Science of Deliberate Creation.
We've now been meeting twice a month for a year. I have written notes during each meeting, and early this year I started typing them up and emailing them to members of the group. People who were unable to make the meetings asked to receive the selected quotes, and as demand increased I decided to make the material more widely available by starting this blog.
The posts are a combination of direct quotes from the Abraham tapes we listen to and excerpts from our discussions as we struggle to implement the teachings in our daily lives. I will also post exercises we choose to do so you can join in our experiments in the Science of Deliberate Creation.
Although I am not connected to or authorized by Abraham-Hicks, I highly recommend their material. To purchase recordings or to receive their free daily quotation, visit their website.
And if you're in Pasadena, you are welcome to come to our meeting. Click here for information.