“The only reason that something that you want is not coming to you is that you are holding yourself in vibrational harmony with something other than what you want.”
-Abraham 2001
“Abraham, a group of obviously evolved teachers, speaks their broader non-physical perspective through the physical apparatus of Esther Hicks. Speaking to our level of comprehension, from their present moment to our now, through a series of loving, allowing, brilliant yet comprehensively simple recordings, in print and sound - they guide us to a clear connection with our Inner Being --
they guide us to self-upliftment from our total self.”
- The Science of Deliberate Creation Quarterly Journal
Esther Hicks started channeling Abraham in the 1980s and many New Age writers have drawn from the material over the years, including Louise Hay and the creators of The Secret. Christine Northrup, M.D., recommends the Abraham-Hicks material to her patients, and says on her website that it has helped her. “I love the monthly audio tape program and have subscribed to it for years,” she says.
Abraham emphasizes that we each create our own reality, whether we know it or not. They encourage us to be conscious of our thoughts and emotions in order to create the reality we want.
“You are extensions of Source Energy. And the more you are allowing the fullness of your Source Energy to flow through you -- the more you thrive.”
Most important of all is that we feel good.
“You must be in the mode of joy, or of feeling good, in order to let in the things you’ve been asking for. You must first get happy. You cannot work hard enough to make the things that you want happen - it is only in your attitude of joy that they do.
- Abraham 6/23/01
For more information on the Abraham-Hicks material, visit their website.