Friday, June 25, 2010


Abraham says that while we are sleeping we are not doing any attracting. While we are awake we are always attracting, either positive things or negative things. Sleep erases the attraction cycle, and when we awaken in the morning we start again from scratch.

Abraham suggests we seize the opportunity to start each day off with positive attraction by declaring that "The only thing that matters is that I feel good," and that today we will attract only good and positive things into our experience.

Huston Smith, renowned religious scholar, has been doing something like this for 70 years. In his autobiography, Tales of Wonder, he writes:

"In college, one of my jobs was opening the school cafeteria at 6:30 a.m. However, I didn't own an alarm clock. Another student left the boarding house at six, so I asked him to wake me. Recently, he reminded me that I awoke the same way every morning. I would shoot bolt upright in bed, stretch out my arms and yell, "Good!" I may wake up differently today, but I still say under my breath, a loud good to the world."

Monday, June 21, 2010

Mating, part one

On this tape, Abraham has good suggestions for those looking for the perfect mate, and for those who are already mated.

Abraham started by reminding us of the Law of Attraction. "It is not your physical being, doing or having that the Law of Attraction works with -- it is your thoughts. It is by virtue of the direction of your thought that you are attracting."

She said that the fantasy of relationship is the walk into the sunset, and yet real life experience shows that relationship is not like that.

She suggests exploring your beliefs around relationship. "In relationship you identify loss of freedom and less joy. As a child, what did you see in adult relationships? What do you see now in others? Do these foster within you expectancy of positive relationship or negative relationship. Acknowledge that the majority of thought regarding relationship has been pointed toward the lack of what is wanted, rather than what is wanted."

"Young people want / believe in good relationship because there is a natural inherent knowing that life is good, and it is good to attract experiences that are good. Your deepest beliefs are in your joy, freedom, growth."

Say to yourself: "Life is supposed to be good and I choose to experience what is good."

"You attract by virtue of your vibration and you vibrate by virtue of your thoughts. And yet you ponder the relationship that is wrong and consider what you do not want -- and then you attract it. So you keep attracting relationships not in harmony with what you want but in absolute harmony with your thoughts," she said.

Guardedness attracts what you are guarded against.

"How can you come into something without guardedness? If you could understand that everything on this planet is for the enhancement of your state of being… Almost none of you feel adequate or whole or sure or secure. You think thoughts that are not in harmony with who you really are, and thus you are out of alignment with your greater being."

When trying to attract a mate, make sure you are feeling good within yourself. "The majority of relationships are not satisfying to the individual because the individual was not satisfied in and of themself when they attracted the partner."

When we try to attract a perfect mate from a place of lack, we attract someone else in lack. "You think 'I am not enough as I stand for I am not whole.' From feeling lack you attract another who is not feeling enough."

If you currently do not have a partner, this is the time to be satisfied with your self before trying to attract a mate.

"When your patterns of thinking are toward the lack of who you are rather than the positive aspects of self, you reach out from lack. 'If this one would love me I will feel better.' There is not another one who can love you enough to compensate for you not loving yourself."

To find a mate, Abraham says "First, find appreciation for self. Second, come together with another for the purpose of co-creation. We would make no effort on the second until we had accomplished the first."

Individual creators must be in a place of positive attraction before they can come together. Two coming together from a place of lack make more lack.

If you do have a mate, Abraham suggests ways to make the relationship even better.

"If you have a partner, stop for a few days to focus on the basics of being satisfied with yourself and looking at positive aspects within yourself. If you do this, all your relationships - minor and major -- would begin being different in your experience."

"How does one come into balance with self? Recognize that you are a very old being who has come to massive conclusions. You as a physical being have access to these conclusions. The way you feel is your conscious awareness of whether you are harmonizing or not harmonizing with your inner being. When you have postivie emotion or thought, you are in harmony."

Abraham pointed out our mistake: "You feel lack and then you look for a way to soothe it. This is backwards."

"Begin each day by reminding yourself that the only thing that matters is that I feel good. Then, when you come into touch with a thought, word or action that doesn't feel good, you'll find yourself moving away from it. Create from the inside out. Don't be so quick to jump into action. First pay attention to how you feel, then talk to yourself about what you want to have. 'I want a relationship where I feel good, where I am uplifted and I uplift them.'

"You are the attractor of your experience. The way you think and feel attracts unto you."

"Feel good and you will attract someone to make you feel good."

"You believe you can take action outside of these laws - you cannot."

"You do things in harmony with what you are feeling, so you must get deliberate control over how you are feeling, which means you must get deliberate control over your thoughts because your thoughts affect your feeling."

"You might feel good about yourself and still not believe you can attract a good relationship, so you won't attract one."

One of Abraham's suggestions is to attract data from those around us. So if you are wanting a good relationship, look around you to see positive aspects in the relationships of others. "Begin pulling the stronger story of positive aspects from the parade of beings in front of you."

If you are currently in relationship, spend time every day noting positive aspects of your relationship, your mate, and of you.

If you pay attention to a flaw, it becomes more apparent in your experience and their experience. If you focus on the positive aspects, you add power to and expand upon those.

"Within all that is there are positive and negative aspects. You as creator of your experience need to focus on the positive aspects as that will be your point of attraction."

"As you stand and complain and defend or rationalize where you are, you will continue to attract what you do not want."

"If you look at the positive aspects, your experience will start to get better and better, and you will attract more positive experience. You cannot attract by virtue of your words and action. It is the vibration of the thought within you that attracts."

"Many of you will find that what you are wanting is in your current relationship but you have been focused on the negative. Others will find that your positiveness is unable to change the other and you will leave."

Abraham says that perfect co-creating is about seeing the positive aspects of each other.

"When you are integrating with another it is always to your advantage to look for their positive aspects because then you draw those into your experience."

"If you spend more time focused on what you are not wanting rather than what you are wanting, then you end up pointing at others saying it's their fault" you don't have what you want.

You must be selfish enough to feel your joy before you have any joy to give to others.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Beat the Drum

We cannot focus upon the weaknesses of one another and evoke strengths. You cannot focus upon the things that you think they are doing wrong, and evoke things that will make you feel better.

You've got to beat the drum that makes you feel good when you beat it. And when you do, you'll be a strong signal of influence that will help them to reconnect with who they are.

--- Abraham

Friday, June 4, 2010

Health, Weight and Mind, part two

On side two of the tape Health, Weight and Mind, Abraham emphasized that we have complete control over our bodies.

"There is nothing else affecting your body other than your thoughts about it."

"To have health is a natural state of being. When you start thinking about lack (of health) you create it."

"The only reason you struggle for health is because you are focused on lack."

She added a new emphasis to the idea that the only thing that matters is that we feel good: "Until you are selfish enough to know that the only thing that matters is that you feel good, you are not of much uplifting value to the Universe. You offer to the Universe that which you are. When you are sick and vulnerable, that is what you are offering."

She warned against adopting a mindset of fear. "The most habitual pattern is to look for what's wrong." She says a doctor's job is to find something wrong with you, and they will keep looking and looking until they find something.

"You have within you some natural core beliefs. Being healthy, joy, freedom, growth - these are the natural state of being within you."

Abraham's prescription for health: "Know you are perfect as you are, and continually reach out to more of what you are."

"Make the decision: I acknowledge that as I am is the result of what I think."

She kicked us out of victim mode: "You are the creator of your experience. You would like a reason that you are other than that you want to be, other than that you have done it to yourself. Any form of justification or rationalization is contrary to what you are wanting. What you are living is what you are thinking."

She reminded us to notice our emotions. When we feel bad, or are having a negative emotion, "this negative emotion means you are in the process of attracting what you do not want."

"Whenever you are feeling negative emotions, stop thinking, speaking or doing and ask yourself what it is that you are wanting. Then you are back on the right path."

She acknowledged that it is hard to always stay positive. "If you have a friend who is sick who wants to talk about if, you will feel cold-hearted not to listen to them, so you listen and you have a knot in your stomach."

At night, however, all attracting stops. So try this exercise Abraham suggested: When you put your head on your pillow tonight, say "All negative attraction is now stopping and tomorrow I will only think of positive attracting." After a few nights of doing this you will notice you are on the right track.

"Say 'I want to feel good' a few times -- the Universe will give you something to feel good about. Don't wait until you feel really bad because it takes time to slow the momentum."

Abraham scoffed at our need to be right. "You have been trained to be objective -- winners and losers -- defensive beings: if I win, you lose. We say you don't have to explain or rationalize your behavior to anyone else. Your job is to create harmony between you and you."

Abraham addressed dieting. "If you have a belief that eating this food will make you fat, eating the food feels bad because your inner being tells you that given the beliefs you hold you are acting against your desire to be slender."

However, it is possible to change your beliefs. "Bridge your beliefs so you can harmonize with your desires. Tell yourself that you want to know that the food you eat does not need to be stored on your hips. Then you will start to attract information that supports your new belief. Some people who are very thin eat a lot and others who are fat eat very little. It's not the food, it's the thoughts about the food." Say to yourself: "I really want to change this belief because it is in my way."

"If you believe that food makes you fat, it will make you fat. There is no other way. Your body can metabolize all you eat as energy or you can store it as fat."

She suggested this approach to weight loss: "Inner being, my intent is to lose weight. You know my beliefs. Please guide me to the behavior that will harmonize both."

Remember to intend, not hope. "Hoping is coming from lack."

Also remember that where you are right now is pretty good. "We don't think you can overdo thinking well of yourself." Your body only responds to your thoughts. If you are feeling good, your thoughts are helping you.

If you are in front of something that gives you negative emotion (like the oreo cookies in the grocery store) give your attention to something else.

Anything that brings a positive emotion to you is of great value.

If you are getting negative support from the people around you, remember that all others are insignificant in terms of you. "If your significant other says there is something in you they do not like, tell them to look somewhere else instead." (Meaning "look at the parts of me that you like, not those that you do not like.")

Likewise, don't pay attention to the things you don't like about yourself. "Attention to the bulges makes them more. Looking at parts you like makes you feel good."

If you feel a negative emotion, remember that is your guidance system telling you that you are thinking, speaking or acting in a way that does not support your wanting. The guidance system is working. "When you feel this negative emotion, bless this guidance system because it is leading you to what you are wanting."

"It feels so good to do things on purpose, and so rotten to do things by default. The real you is as you are wanting to be."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The reason for desires, goals... for finding those decisions or points of focus, is because they are the life-giving things of the Universe.

Without objects of attention, or objects of desire, Life Force does not come through any of us.

-- Abraham